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Late Sri.B.M.Sreenivasaiah

Founder B.M.S Educational Trust

In the history of Karnataka, the name of Late Businayana Mukundadas Sreenivasaiah (BMS) occupies a prominent place in the field of Philanthropy. The Maharaja of Mysore honored him with the title of Raja Karya Prasaktha in 1946. He started the B.M.S. College of Engineering in the same year. He had forseen the urgent need for high quality technical education in India, even before independence. The ideals for which Sri. B. M. Sreenivasaiah stood, continued to inspire the inheritors of his legacy.

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Late Sri.B.S.Narayan

Donor Trustee B.M.S Educational Trust

After the demise of "Sri B.M.Sreenivasaiah", his dynamic and enterprising son Sri. B. S. Narayan, took over the reigns of the college. The institution grew from strength-to-strength under his able guidance. He was also instrumental in initiating international collaborative programmes such as training foreign students under International Co-operation Division (ICD) and cross cultural programs with Melton Foundation.