The B.M.S. College of Engineering was founded by Late Sri Businayana Mukundadas Sreenivasaiah (BMS) in the Year 1946. A great Philanthropist & Visionary Ideals for which he stood, continues to inspire his inheritors Honoured with Raja Karya Prasaktha by the then Maharaja of Mysore in the year 1946. BMSCE has the unique distinction of being the first private engineering college established in the country. Over the past 77 years of its illustrious existence, BMSCE has produced more than 40,000 graduates who have enriched the world through their immense contributions as engineers or leaders for mankind. The dynamic and enterprising son of the Founder, Sri B. S. Narayan took over the regions of the College after the demise of the founder and was Instrumental in introducing 9 UG and 9 PG programs both in conventional and emerging areas. B.M.S. Educational Trust, Bengaluru, which is a public charitable trust was registered in 1957. Sri.B.S.Narayan Established International Cooperation Division in 1979 and Partnered with the Melton Foundation, USA in 1991 for Cross Cultural Learning with Students from USA, Germany, Chile, China and Ghana. The B.M.S. Educational Trust presently runs 11 Institution offering higher education avenues of Engineering, Science, Architecture, Management, Arts Commerce and Law. Currently around 17,000 students are pursuing their higher education in B.M.S. Group of Institutions. An Alumni Base of over 1 lakh has enriched the communities both in India and Abroad.
Promoting Prosperity of mankind by augmenting Human Resource Capital through Quality Technical Education & Training.
Accomplish Excellence in the field of Technical Education through Education, Research and Service needs of society.
To create a cadre of young engineers for building post-independence India. To build modern India through knowledgeable and skilled engineers. To expand educational opportunities to all sections of society.